Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG)

Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG)

The North Dakota Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG) was established pursuant to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act, one of the most successful standard-setting statutes that recognizes the value of citizen-driven efforts to prevent delinquency.  Membership of the SAG is appointed by the Governor based on the composition requirements set by the Act.  The SAG is responsible for advocating for a developmental approach with regard to policies and practices and ensuring compliance with the standards of the Act.  The JJDP Act provides direct funding to states to address the needs of at-risk youth, prevent juvenile justice system involvement, and strengthen the juvenile justice system.  See the SAG Biennial Report for more information regarding the JJDP Act.


North Dakota’s SAG has established the following goals for funding allocations:

1. Reduce incarceration and out-of-home placement through community-based alternatives; and

2. Reduce juvenile justice system involvement through delinquency prevention programs that seek to meet the needs of youth, with a particular focus on minority youth.


For more information on the goals and associated objectives, see North Dakota's 2021-2023 Juvenile Justice Plan.